Passport to Leadership on the National Mall
What is this Passport to Leadership on the National Mall?
The simplest answer is, it is a private, guided tour in Washington DC, where we take your company values and personalize them in a “Passport,” and then show your leaders how those values were lived out in the lives of other great Americans we’ll meet along the tour.
Each participant receives their own Passport, and is the "anchor" we use to teach from, the stories we use to teach with, and becomes a reminder when they get back to the office, what the company’s values looked like in the lives of the people we talk about; and perhaps learn how they can live out those values in the company, and in their own lives.​

Dear David
I was at an Houston Apartment Association luncheon this week. The theme was leadership. We were asked to think of our best leaders and supervisors in this world and you immediately came to mind. I want to thank you for the incredible example you gave me. Inspiring, trusting, holding expectations high. You have made a difference in my career and in my life. You have served not only as a professional example, but also one of faith and family. I thank you and I pray for you. Sincerely and with love
Shelley R. Houston TX
What sounds better…. a walk on the National Mall in Washington DC, or hosting another corporate meeting, inside another corporate boardroom, inside another hotel?
We have all been there…yet one more corporate retreat in that hotel boardroom on how to be a better leader. And the guy droning on at the front of the room is telling you and your associates, the same things you heard from the last twelve leadership speakers.
You’ve heard the joke…. the guy from the audience goes to the invited speaker at the end of his speech, and says, “That was a great speech; I haven’t slept that well since the last leadership speaker."
Why not take your next Leadership Retreat to Washington DC and experience the National Mall like you’ve never seen it before.
Whether you are re-branding your company, developing your leadership team, or looking for something new for your corporate retreat, our program is an "outside the boardroom" way to teach leadership principles that are relevant to your company; teaching YOUR company values on leadership (values that are important to you, and not the values of the latest speaker) while walking on the National Mall among some of the giants in our Nation’s history.
Top 8 Reasons your company leaders would benefit from this tour:
It’s harder to sleep through (because it’s outside in an invigorating environment)
It is specific to your company and it’s culture, not a generic speech given 27 times before
It is specific to your leaders and their place in your company (each participant receives their own Passport to Leadership on The National Mall)
It’s not inside another conference room; you can actually see the sky from our conference room
It takes place in a world class city; one that is on most people’s bucket list (and now you’re the hero because you’ve taking them to Washington DC)
It’s a tour where your team will learn about how other great Americans demonstrated Leadership, and how that relates to your Mission Statement and Core Values
It’s a way to help your leaders remember, and walk-out, your company values on a day to day basis, because we give them real life examples, and a Passport that “anchors" the value to a site they always wanted to see
It’s a whole lot of fun for everyone! Your folks are outside on the National Mall, experiencing those sites from a Leadership perspective…not just “hearing" about Leadership from their chair, inside yet one more conference room, catching up on their rest.

Can’t bring the leadership team to DC?
Let us come to you.
We understand budgets, and we realize it is cheaper to fly one of us to you, rather than flying all of you to DC. So, give us a call, and let us develop a Passport Program we can bring to your company in your city.
Your Passport to Leadership on the National Mall was an eye-opening experience for the board and staff. Learning the leadership lessons behind some of the most important moments in our country’s history helped us reflect on our own leadership styles and strengthen our own leadership abilities. Your deep knowledge, attention to detail and good sense of humor all contributed to making the day such a success. Thank you.
- Josh Mintz
Management Consulting, Cavanaugh Hagan Pierson & Mintz
Washington DC
Get out of the "bored-room."
David’s Passport to Leadership on the National Mall is an experience that will change the dynamics of your leadership retreat to something that will be remembered long after they’ve walked the Mall.
So let us develop a Passport for your company to help reinforce your company’s values/mission statement, by showing them how some of America’s greatest men and women demonstrated those same values and qualities in their own lives.
At the conclusion of one program we did for a local company, one of the participants said he will never cross Memorial Bridge without thinking about the story we used to teach his company's value, “Accept Responsibility.”
There's something about being outside and walking among some of our Nation’s greatest, that simply helps your team 'retain' what is shared. And their Passport is a reminder, long after the cookies and the conference room from the last corporate retreat have been forgotten.
For more information, you know, all those pesky little details that everyone wants to know before they make a decision, click here...